"I, who know the Glagolitic alphabet,
know that it is honorable to live on earth!”

With this project, we want to highlight the importance of the Croatian culture and history as basic foundations of the national identity and encourage people to think about their values.

The intention is to emphasize the visual aspect of Croatian culture value and demonstrate how it can be exceptional interesting even to those who do not know its roots.

The “KLUPΛ” bench is the first in a series of planned products aimed at emphasizing the visual aspect of Croatian cultural values. 

The carriers of the bench are inspired by the shape of the letter ć, which is adapted to the needs of the construction for the sake of functionality. The first nine letters of the Glagolitic alphabet are engraved on the front side of the bench, which means: “I, who know the Glagolitic alphabet, know that it is honorable to live on earth!”

The bench is a unique and authentic representative of the original Croatian identity – the Glagolicit script.

With the use of Croatian oak and concrete this bench is getting a domestic statement. The bench is also available in combination with galvanized steel and other wood materials. For more information and orders please contact us.

PRESSD&D Magazine

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Engraved letters

From the front side are engraved the first nine letters of the Glagolitic script, which also mean: “I, who know the Glagolitic alphabet, know that it is honorable to live on earth!”

Oak seat

With the use of Croatian oak and concrete this bench is getting a domestic statement.

Metal or concrete carriers

The bench is also available in combination with galvanized steel.
